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You said
“Cultural outreach?!"

Publié le 22/05/2017

Cultural outreach is a lesser known field of work for cultural venues such as ours, yet team dynamics builds around this concept.

Some may find it difficult to step in a cultural venue, an unfamiliar and unknown place often filled with mystery. The members of our team strive to make our programme accessible to the largest possible audience thanks to artistic workshops, meetings, tours of the venue...

Cultural outreach allows to raise awareness among specific audiences - children and young people, pupils, disadvantaged districts residents, inmates, seniors - to the world of showbiz and contemporary music.

These different actions allow us to reach people who are not our usual audience.

Our objective is to

Meet a diverse audience, bring artists to the heart of the neighbourhoods, take works of art out of venues, expose the widest audience to them, create emotion, promote meetings, raise enthusiasm, strike up conversations and encourage vocations: bring life to a neighbourhood, an area, a city…
